The James Hunter Six - Baby Don't Do It

James Hunter has been performing this cover of the Five Royales’ “Baby Don’t Do It” for many years now. The track was recorded during the Whatever It Takes session, but never actually made it on the album. It's now available digitally everywhere!
“The Five Royales pretty much encapsulated (if not laid the foundation for) soul music as we know it today. They combined the fervor of their gospel beginnings (as “The Royal Sons”) with far more - shall we say - earthly concerns in their first secular hits as in this song and the ironically filthy “Laundromat Blues.” Lawman Pauling, their guitarist and chief songwriter, wrote with a maturity that set them head and shoulders above their contemporaries in the “Moon/June” and “Arms/Charms” school of Doo-Wop. Check out “Think” and “The Slummer the Slum” - kids stuff this most decidedly ain’t”. - James Hunter
“The Five Royales pretty much encapsulated (if not laid the foundation for) soul music as we know it today. They combined the fervor of their gospel beginnings (as “The Royal Sons”) with far more - shall we say - earthly concerns in their first secular hits as in this song and the ironically filthy “Laundromat Blues.” Lawman Pauling, their guitarist and chief songwriter, wrote with a maturity that set them head and shoulders above their contemporaries in the “Moon/June” and “Arms/Charms” school of Doo-Wop. Check out “Think” and “The Slummer the Slum” - kids stuff this most decidedly ain’t”. - James Hunter