Benny Trokan
Too Far Gone / Turn Back You Fool
Wick Records would like to introduce the newest member in our stable of stars, Benny Trokan. You may recognize this fine fellow as the bass player for such acts as The Jay Vons, Reigning Sound, and Lee Field's Expressions. Luckily for us he found some down time to pen the two killers we offer up on this state-of-the-art petroleum based disc. The A-side opens with an electric twelve-string riff whose mix of punchy melody and laid-back strumming sounds more akin to west coast psychedelia than the folk-rock sounds generally associated with the instrument - giving the tune a brooding platform from which Trokan tells a tale of a malcontent whose hard-hearted lover is Too Far Gone. On the flip you'll find a floaty, genre-bending ballad that one might expect on a Brenton Wood a-side, but is executed with the rawness of a moody teen-beat b-side from the '60s. The tough call and response backing vocals juxtaposed to Benny's own raspy yet vulnerable lead make for a truly stunning piece of modern pop.